Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Almost Done

If I were to graduate tomorrow with my chosen carrier field I would become a Mechanical Engineer.  My dream job would be to create my own company and be an entrepreneur. Coming to RCHS has completely changed the way I see the world and how I relate to it. I have grown to accept the way the world is, and I've set om goals in trying to become a role model to help others achieve theirs. I'll be attending the University of Texas at Dallas this spring where I will finish my last two years of college, then I hope to work at a technology company for a few years to gain experience, and then I hope to create my own.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Capstone presentation & Richland Video

I thought my capstone presentation went well. If I could do anything differently, I would have written it all in code, allowing my voice to rest and heal while giving the audiences a cool way to interact with computer science which would have illustrated my drive to improve STEM education.Yes, it really thought me the value of persevering and working diligently towards a goal.

Richland Video

An advice I can give to the juniors is that they begin as early as possible and really spend time learning reading in their classes.

What worked for me was using the library and studying in groups.
If I could, I would definitely used the books more and read it before class.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog reflection: What needs to be done?

So what needs to be done?
Well the website is near completion but I still have some work to do. The video, is still in the planning stage but I hope to really get started on the weekend. I'm not sure if I'll use powerpoint but I will do some research into prezi and learn how to operate it.

Capstone Presentation -
I will present from a prezi slide or video.
I will need a poster, some science equations and a video
Yes, a table, a laptop and a poster.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Video Requirements

A) I need to create a video showcasing my capstone project
        2) 2 days
        3) Tuesday, 3 - 6
        4) Thursday
        5)Storyboard will be done on the video, with a voice speaking over it

B) My video will be a PSA and a supporting video to my capstone. I plan on tying in my capstone into the PSA.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

PSA/Video class presentation

My entire project is based on the engagement of students in STEM fields. To this end, I would like to create a video that accomplishes this by shadowing the extremely science popularizer Michael from Vsauce. He speaks on complicated yet exciting aspects of science and is able to connect with his audience by making comparisons to things people see and already understand.

Friday, March 15, 2013


What were your thoughts on the video -
I really enjoyed it. With the incredible fast pace of technology and the innovation hubs around the world I can see the augmented reality coming into fruition, however the idea of being able to "hack someone's brain" is still centuries away.

I am still in between because I was having problems with my template. It would not let me open my saved work so I was forced to download a completely different one.

I think importing images would definitely be something that needs to be refreshed.