Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Almost Done

If I were to graduate tomorrow with my chosen carrier field I would become a Mechanical Engineer.  My dream job would be to create my own company and be an entrepreneur. Coming to RCHS has completely changed the way I see the world and how I relate to it. I have grown to accept the way the world is, and I've set om goals in trying to become a role model to help others achieve theirs. I'll be attending the University of Texas at Dallas this spring where I will finish my last two years of college, then I hope to work at a technology company for a few years to gain experience, and then I hope to create my own.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Capstone presentation & Richland Video

I thought my capstone presentation went well. If I could do anything differently, I would have written it all in code, allowing my voice to rest and heal while giving the audiences a cool way to interact with computer science which would have illustrated my drive to improve STEM education.Yes, it really thought me the value of persevering and working diligently towards a goal.

Richland Video

An advice I can give to the juniors is that they begin as early as possible and really spend time learning reading in their classes.

What worked for me was using the library and studying in groups.
If I could, I would definitely used the books more and read it before class.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog reflection: What needs to be done?

So what needs to be done?
Well the website is near completion but I still have some work to do. The video, is still in the planning stage but I hope to really get started on the weekend. I'm not sure if I'll use powerpoint but I will do some research into prezi and learn how to operate it.

Capstone Presentation -
I will present from a prezi slide or video.
I will need a poster, some science equations and a video
Yes, a table, a laptop and a poster.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Video Requirements

A) I need to create a video showcasing my capstone project
        2) 2 days
        3) Tuesday, 3 - 6
        4) Thursday
        5)Storyboard will be done on the video, with a voice speaking over it

B) My video will be a PSA and a supporting video to my capstone. I plan on tying in my capstone into the PSA.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

PSA/Video class presentation

My entire project is based on the engagement of students in STEM fields. To this end, I would like to create a video that accomplishes this by shadowing the extremely science popularizer Michael from Vsauce. He speaks on complicated yet exciting aspects of science and is able to connect with his audience by making comparisons to things people see and already understand.

Friday, March 15, 2013


What were your thoughts on the video -
I really enjoyed it. With the incredible fast pace of technology and the innovation hubs around the world I can see the augmented reality coming into fruition, however the idea of being able to "hack someone's brain" is still centuries away.

I am still in between because I was having problems with my template. It would not let me open my saved work so I was forced to download a completely different one.

I think importing images would definitely be something that needs to be refreshed.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Web 1.0 was an early stage of the conceptual evolution of the world wide web, centered around a top-down  approach to the use of the web and its user interface.

Web 2.0 allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where people are limited to the passive viewing of content.

Web 3.0  This will be about semantic web (or the meaning of data), personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things.

I do believe the web benefits society but I also believe it can negatively impact society as well. The function of the web allows us to all be able to communicate to share our ideas and thoughts on a platform enabling us to be connected. However this also disconnects us from our families, real-life friends and our reality. It has a huge impact on our everyday life. It can really intrude our personal lives, causing us to forget the important aspects of humanity. I think more people are realizing that they should strive for a balanced life, one that is not too dependent on technology but allows us to take advantage of its prowess.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Coding Reflection

a) Well its a bit of both. I recently started learning C++ and I find HTML to be ALOT easier and less tedious.
b) Yes definitely. I really think that's the beauty of coding. It shows us how everything we use everyday works and it can get down to the most specific detail.
c) Definitely. I always thought about branching out and learning another computing language that can be useful in website building and applications to websites. Understanding the how to create the layout for my page will help me in creating my website.
d) I think I'll be a lot more tempted to do so to find out what makes each website to special. Its interesting because a few months ago that thought would have never crossed my mind.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Google Glass

When I look at Google Glass I see a lot of technology. I see a world where people are always plugged into the internet, living with it, wearing it everywhere they go. This is why I do not like Google Glass and why I will not be buying it, even if I had the money too. I feel like we are on this virtual world too much already. We lose so much time with our families and loved ones and replace them on the web. So again, the Google Glass project is amazing and a bit pricey, but the main factor for me is to not get too entangled in the web.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Website and Poster

This ties into my capstone because my project deals with creativity and engagement.I would like to make my website the same overall theme as my poster using elements of openness and freedom as well as making use of equations to show knowledge. It would do well in keeping the same feeling of a new and different approach.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Market Collateral

I chose this market collateral because I found the design to be very consistent and appealing. It does a very good job of exemplifying the main proponents of market collateral by using a unique sometimes copyrighted theme to market the product to a certain audience.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday 1/18

Today was the last day of class. It was a bittersweet day to be honest. We worked on our last project, the iphone case and image gallery. Using texture derived from the internet we were able to create new designs and pictures for the phone. We then opened up an adobe program and began to work on creating a image gallery to view our pictures. I enjoyed the last day of class.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday 1/17

Today I finally finished my yearbook cover. In order to do this I had to be able to place pictures within the correct parameters. Instead of trying to acquire pictures from the internet and having to go through the trouble of making sure they were not copyrighted, I instead decided to use my very own pictures I had previously taken. Doing this allowed me to work relaxed and effieciently. I used pictures of Fireworks and a senior mentors picture for the main front cover. I enjoyed it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday 1/16

Today was undoubtedly the most difficult exercise. We had to create our very own picture out of scratch. We were not allowed to use copyrighted material from the internet or other places. We were also given a template which we had to create our picture around. I used the crop tool to take images from my facebook page and cut them to be able to fit into the template. I hope to finish it before friday,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday 1/15

Today I finished up my movie poster for the yearbook. I found creating the background a tad more difficult that the other portions of the project. I have to create a gradient then add symbols. I did however use a downloaded graphic for one of the other poster. I made sure to save it separately to not get them confused. In the end it was very fun and I enjoy putting the finishing touches on my work. It came out looking great!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday 1/14

Today was very fun. Our assignment was to recreate a movie poster. I was first thought that this would be a task that was simply too difficult but after starting and messing around with photo shop I was blown away with how close I could make it to the original. Ofcourse there were several limitations to my work including camera and picture quality but I am quite happy to be able to see myself in the pose of one of my favorite movies. I used the mask and transform applications for that anything. I really enjoyed it.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday 1/11

Today we finally finished the radial design. The exercise really helped me understand the way the path tool works and how I can use it to my advantage. I learned the most stress free way of wrapping text within a spherical medium and I honestly do believe I will use this knowledge again. The radial design steps also made it very easy to follow and easy to understand the process.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday 1/10

Today I learned how to create paths for text to flow through. I found this to be extremely helpful when desiring unnatural flows within ones photography and picture. I learned one could either use the paint tool to create a path for the text or one could use the "Create Work Path" through another placed option. I also enjoyed taking pictures and trying to match the desired facial expression.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday 1/9

Today was very interesting. We pretty much put into use everything we have been learning. I got to play around with shapes will creating new pictures with cool designs. We also played around with different types of fonts that all really contributed to the unique experience. I created my picture by using a blend of structures and pictures, using different colors to bring contrast to the overall climate. I really enjoyed it.

Tuesday 1/8

On Wednesday we actually got to take low key and high key pictures. I really enjoyed getting to work on creating low key and high key pictures. I learned about hue&saturation, black and white layers as well. I also liked being able to use the tools we learned in class to edit my own pictures and the pictures of my friends. It allowed me to finally see the skills I've been learning in class pay off.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Monday 1/7

Dear Diary,

I learned quite a bundle in terms of editing pictures and touching up aspects I may have disliked. I honestly never really knew you could seemingly remove our natural bumps and blemishes away. I learned about the important it is to never really overdue the touching up. You never want to change the way some looks completely. I also finally saw that almost all of the pictures of celebrities how been touched up. I now finally understand what many activist say when they claim the women are subjected to these unrealistic expectations. Its because the people they see, the celebrities they want to look like because of the pictures they've seen are all edited and touched up.